2/18/23 Living with and caring for the Ally
I feel your presence as I sense into my surroundings from my place of center. The meditation Ray led me in yesterday was helpful in remembering and maintaining my center. I recall The Prince who discusses realizing and maintaining control and center over everyone. Similar pattern but different application. Fascinating! Rather than having to protect myself from this old energetic pattern, I shift my attention to my center (very feminine). So what if attending to others first is not a defense mechanism but an alignment with the universal energy pattern of the 6th wave? And what if the psychic knowing is an alignment with the old 5th wave? Is this why I have a problem with that energy? Lynn? S&J? Other readers? The 7th wave seems to throw off the shackles (to whatever degree possible) of the 6th wave political dominance and religious and superstitious belief and to establish a bit more variety in the overall structures because there is a bit more focus on the human experience within universal truths and the greater sense of individual agency. The focus is still masculine and mind and seems to reach its pinnacle here in the 7th wave. Along comes the 8th wave bringing the feminine, more decentralization, individual spirituality (my specific center), and a need for connection and community. Is my specific center, the portal for the Divine influences to flow freely into our everyday world? The image of an open hourglass comes to me.
Open from mother earth and from father sun and grandmother moon. Those energies meet in my center and then flow out to others horizontally within the toroidal whole of reality and existence.
Reflection: As I learn to hold my center closely, dearly, and consciously, I can then attend to the flows of energy from the whole beyond and channel them through my center to serve others!